industrial Real Estate Jargon Investors Should Know

Homes For Rent - industrial Real Estate Jargon Investors Should Know

Hello everybody. Today, I found out about Homes For Rent - industrial Real Estate Jargon Investors Should Know. Which may be very helpful in my experience so you. industrial Real Estate Jargon Investors Should Know

Commercial real estate venture is a new territory for many real estate investors. The following is the alphabetical list of most commonly used terms in this area.

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Homes For Rent

Anchored tenants: big brand-name national tenants, e.g. Albertsons, Longs Drug, Walmart that bring in lots of traffic to the shopping center.

Cam: common Area Maintenance. linked with Cam is Cam fees. For Nnn leases, the term Cam fees refer to the money tenants pay landlord to cover property taxes, assurance and maintenance.

Cap rate: Return of venture in the first year of ownership. Capitalization rate is the ratio of 1st year Net Operating earnings over the purchase price. The higher the cap rate, the higher the rental income. For citizen who spend in the stock market, cap rate is the inverse of P/E ratio.

Cash on cash: each year division return of your down payment not together with appreciation. First year cash flow divided by your first down payment.

Conduit loan: also called industrial Mortgage Backed Securities (Cmbs) loan often with the lower rate than customary industrial loan but either has high pre-payment penalty (called defeasance or Yield Maintenance Penalty) or does not have payoff flexibility.

Cpd: Car Per Day or traffic volume on a road.

Cpi: consumer Price Index. It's often used to guess each year rental increase to compensate for inflation.

Due Diligence Period: the period after acceptance normally 15-30 days to allow buyer to explore about the property. Buyer can cancel the covenant during this time for any reasons and get full repayment of the deposit.

Estoppel Certificate: a letter provided and signed by tenant confirming the current rent and terms.

Full-service lease: lease in which tenant pays rent that covers all together with utilities.

Gross income: total each year earnings before any expenses.

Gross lease: lease in which tenants just pay rent. Landlord pays tax, insurance, & maintenance.

Gla: Gross Leaseable Area or total rentable area. This is the space that can be leased and receive rental income. It does not contain spaces for utilities room, elevator, etc.

Grm: Gross Rent Multiplier for apartment. Ratio of purchase price over each year income.

Llc: limited Liabilities Company. A legal entity many investors formed to own industrial properties.

Loi: Letter of Intent/Interest or the normally non-binding offer letter used to make an offer to buy a industrial property.

Mai appraiser: Member assessment institute industrial appraiser.

Master lease: lease signed by the wholesaler to rent the vacant space to furnish rent guarantee.

Mixed Use: industrial properties with retail on 1st floor and apartment on upper floors.

Triple Net (Nnn) lease: lease in which tenants pay base rent plus property tax, assurance & Cam fees. Absolute Nnn lease is Nnn lease that tenants also pay property management fee.

Noi: Net Operating Income. each year earnings after all expenses (property taxes, ins., & maintenance) except mortgage payment.

Pad: stand alone building in a prime location of a big shopping center.

Pass Thru: see reimbursement.

Percentage lease: lease in which tenant pays base rent plus a division of tenant's revenue.

Phase I Report: inspection report that provides an assessment for soil/environment contamination. It's normally required by the lender as part of loan approval process for a industrial property.

Phase Ii Report: inspection report for soil & groundwater subsurface investigation. This inspection is more thorough which involves testing to see if there is any soil and water contamination.

Proforma income: potential, i.e. Higher, earnings when the property is 100% leased.

Proforma Cap rate: inherent cap rate assuming property is 100% leased at store rent.

Reimbursement: the share of property tax, assurance & Cam fees that a tenant has to pay the landlord besides the base rent.

Rent guarantee: rent paid by the wholesaler to buyer for vacant spaces until they are leased.

Sba Loan: a government-guaranteed loan for owner-occupied properties.

Snda: Subordination, Non-disturbance, and Attornment. It's an deal required by lender, signed by the tenants agreeing: the new lien in 1st position; lender as landlord in case of foreclosure; lease as valid as long as tenant is not in default.

Tic: Tenants In Common. A way for small/self-directed Ira investors to own a fraction of high-valued properties as tenants in common.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Homes For Rent . Where you possibly can put to easy use in your evryday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Homes For Rent .


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